Tourism Industry capability


We are modern-day pioneers of tourism capability training,
building the capacity of the Australian tourism industry since 2012.

In that time we have delivered over 150 workshops and masterclasses across numerous formats including conferences, forums, standalone workshops and webinars, and tailored mentoring programs.

We remain committed to delivering industry-leading training programs that inspire and empower tourism businesses to flourish.


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Our Education philosophy

Our capability to deliver insightful, compelling and equally practical learning journeys for industry, has naturally evolved over years, and we've built a reputation of delivering exceptional quality, and for being approachable, warm, and knowledgeable facilitators.

We pride ourselves on delivering contemporary thinking and we constantly challenge ourselves through our own learnings, to distil complex information into insights that are meaningful for businesses who are operating in an ever-changing landscape.

Our contemporary methodology is based on the principles of knowledge transferance, inspiration and connection - and our role is to facilitate sharing and building accountability for implementation.

We see this approach as essential to support the development of resilient and thriving tourism businesses, organisations and communities for the future.

The enthusiasm and energy that the team bought to the sessions was powerful, and their own lived experience and compassion allowed their key messages to be conveyed in a way that was both relatable and aspirational.

The Tourism Collective team were able to craft a program that helped small and medium businesses really get to the crux of their values, understanding their audience and how to align both of these to achieve a more sustainable and resilient business.
Madeleine Sawyer, Sustainable Destination Development Coordinator, Tourism Mid West Victoria
VC Workshops

Our facilitation

Our facilitation methodology has been refined over the past 12 years to ensure optimal engagement, implementation of learnings, and incremental gains for the businesses involved.

We engage the participants in an active learning process, which includes:

  • Structured learning around a topic area to build subject matter knowledge and confidence
  • Strategic alignment of topic with business/destination priorities to create efficiencies and maximise outcomes
  • Using real-life case studies and exemplars as a way to inspire innovative thinking
  • Collaborative thinking process to identify consistent challenges, and co-creation potential solutions together (where appropriate)

Our Programs are typically a mix of facilitation methodologies including Workshops, Webinars, Group and Individual Mentoring.

There is also an administrative component built in to ensure a professional program is executed with maximum accountability.

The aim of our Programs is to ensure each participant walks away feeling inspired and confident to implement their learnings, and to feel connected with their peers who are on the same learning journey.

Learning topics

Our Programs focus on topics that build business resilience, sustainability & agility. We also have subject matter, lived and demonstrated experience in delivering training programs for specific sector groups or a destination's full tourism industry.

We work closely with destinations to first understand where their industry is at, key capability gaps, local collaboration and relationship-building goals, before then designing a program that supports businesses to innovate and optimise their activities, and to align with the destination's overarching strategic direction.

Sustainable Tourism
Capability program

Since 2022, we've partnered with destinations across Australia to deliver our Sustainable Tourism Capability Program to progress sustainable tourism outcomes for our industry.

What does a Programcost?

This is often the first question we're asked. The answer is, that it very much depends.

We understand the budget for Industry Capability building varies greatly across organisations. We also know no learning need is the same (or should be the same) as we want to ensure a Program is specific and relevant and aligned to your local Destination Strategies and Plans, and brings tourism businesses on a learning journey that's delivering on the specific needs of your local destination.

Therefore, we will have a quick online catch-up to understand the goals of the learning for your Industry, what's your available budget (or a grand funding opportunity), what's the recent training that operators have seen or you'd like to build on, what's the best delivery method based on budget and industry engagement levels, before we then provide a few different pricing options for your Program.

We also take on a selected number of pro-bono programs or speaking commitments in a year, so we are also very happy to talk, as we're very much committed to making our proven training programs accessible to all.