Positive Impact planning

Positive impact planning involves the development of a strategic roadmap that outlines short and longer term goals and actions to create positive impacts through business operations for communities, the environment, and the economy.

Developing a Positive Impact Plan offers a strategic advantage for industry organisations and businesses, as it positions the organisation as a leader in sustainability, and builds a strong platform for long-term success through enhanced reputation, cost efficiencies, risk management, talent attraction & retention, and long-term viability.

work with us to develop your
postiive imact plan


We empower destinations and tourism businesses to demonstrate leadership in sustainable business management through a process of articulating organisational values, developing an impact framework, and structuring a realistic action plan. These outputs are developed through a series of facilitated planning sessions with your team and other key stakeholders.

Following the development of the Positive Impact Plan, we provide ongoing mentoring, accountability and implementation support  for our partners to ensure the Plan remains agile. We also work with organisations to develop their Annual Impact Reports to clearly articulate their commitment to progress, and share their impact with stakeholders.


Outcomes for Organisations & Businesses

TTC RGB Destination Small

Positive Impact Planning for
Regional Tourism Organiations

  • Articulate your values, and understand your areas of impact and what change you can influence through the remit of your organisation
  • Understand what your levers are to scale impact for community, culture and the environment
  • Infuse your values framework and outcomes into your projects and programs, to effectively build impact at scale across all activations.
  • Progress your positive impact by implementing a set of meaningful and tangible short, medium and long term actions.
  • Confidently articulate to stakeholders your commitment to positive impact, and share your outcomes in an annual impact report.
TTC RGB LocalGovt Small

Positive Impact Planning for
Tourism Businesses

  • Articulate your values, and understand your areas of impact in your business operations and visitor experiences
  • Understand how you can scale impact through your business operations and visitor experiences
  • Build a sustainable tourism business by progressing positive impact through implementing a set of meaningful and tangible short, medium and long term actions.
  • Confidently articulate to your impact with potential visitors by sharing your impact to continue to attract values-aligned visitors in the future.
  • Show leadership in your industry of how to support your community and environment whilst running a successful and sustainable tourism business.