Murray River Houseboat

Destination Riverland

Visitor Servicing Discussion Paper

Project Scope

The new Riverland Tourism Plan 2030 identified the evolution of Visitor Servicing as a major opportunity for the Riverland to grow it’s visitor economy over the next decade.

A number of specific opportunities, challenges and also potential Visitor Servicing models were identify and outlined in our development of the  Riverland Destination Situational Analysis.

To progress the project, the Riverland Tourism Plan 2030 Operations Group and Destination Riverland Board were looking for external expert advice to support them to identify next steps and potential project pathways for activating the Visitor Servicing Project in the near future.

As we had already had a deep understanding of the current state of play of visitor servicing in the region from the RTP2030 project, the development of the Discussion Paper was via the insights we had already gathered, as well as referencing our own expertise and thought leadership and in the Visitor Servicing space.

The aim of the Paper was to bring together insights in Riverland Destination Situational Analysis along with key recommendations for next steps in a succinct and easy to understand manner.


The succinct report was provided to the RTP Steering Committing which provided the following to inform their next stages of the Visitor Servicing Evolution in the region:

  • State of play of Visitor Servicing in the Riverland
  • Key Challenges and Opportunities
  • Commitment required for project success
  • Suggested next steps to activate the Project, including:
    • Project Action Plan
    • Stakeholder Engagement Plan